CARB Compliance and CARB Compliant Generators: Everything You Must Know
When you finally decide to buy a generator, you shouldn’t just focus on generating electricity. You should also look at other important factors such as your health and environmental safety. These factors are in fact more important than factors like capacity considering the fact that generators operate in/within households posing serious health and environmental risks if they don’t meet the recommended pollution guidelines. This is where CARB compliance comes in. Learn everything required to understand what CARB is, what it means to be in compliance, and details on CARB compliant generators.

What does CARB compliance mean?
CARB, which stands for California Air Resources Board, is an environmental protection agency that is tasked with environmental protection issues specifically, air pollution. CARB is tasked with controlling air sanitation as well as automobile pollution in California. Although California is the only state in the U.S. with this type of regulatory agency by law, other states can use CARB standards. It is very common that other states will follow what CARB lays out as the standard. We have seen this happen in countless industries. It can also be assumed that if your state does not adopt, it is not unusual that in 3 to 5 years time, National standards often adopt some or all of the CARB guidelines.
What is a CARB compliant generator?
A CARB compliant generator is a generator that meets the air pollution standards that have been set by CARB. CARB compliant generators run cleaner than generators which are non-CARB compliant. It is however important to note that they still emit some pollutants. The main difference is they emit way less pollutants than their non-compliant counterparts. CARB guidelines are more aggressive than needed/required in other states. As a result, CARB compliant generators are considered the safest and most environmental friendly generators on sale today. We are not taking a stance that CARB is the right level, but it is almost always a stricter standard that your region requires, so it is a safe measure to consider.
Understanding CARB compliance in-depth
CARB focuses on emissions produced by small power equipment engines like those used to make generators. All CARB compliant products with engines must meet stringent CARB air quality standards. Depending on where you live in the U.S., your State may require CARB compliance for certain equipment i.e. generators. California residents must buy CARB compliant generators.
CARB performs many duties the most notable being collecting data on various sources of air pollution in America. CARB collects such data to determine the most effective ways of tackling air pollution. CARB makes recommendations based on the data to help State and government bodies enact or amend clean air laws.
CARB monitors a number of dangerous gases the most notable being; Sulfuric oxides, Carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, various organic gases and particulate matter. CARB has very strict air pollution rules. As a result, compliant generators emit very little dangerous gases making them safer and more environmental friendly. In fact, CARB compliant generators are considered the safest, most environmental friendly generators in the world today.
CARB isn’t the only body in the U.S. tasked with air pollution issues. There is another body; the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). This body sets the national standards on pollution in the U.S. All manufacturers planning on selling their products (i.e. generators among other products with engines) in the U.S. must meet EPA regulations. Before any engine hits the U.S. market, it must pass EPA standards.
While the EPA focuses on all states in America, CARB focuses on California. Another notable difference between CARB and EPA is; CARB has more strict rules/guidelines than the EPA which is why CARB-compliance is more preferable to many. All states must use EPA or CARB guidelines/regulations. Currently, 11 states follow CARB guidelines besides California. These states include; New York, Washington, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Maryland, New Jersey and Massachusetts.
Why should you buy a CARB-compliant generator?
There are many reasons why you should buy CARB-compliant generators as opposed to just any other type of generator. The most important reasons include;
1. To reduce air pollution
Air pollution is the worst type of pollution in the world according to the latest statistics. Buying a CARB compliant generator is a great way to fight air pollution as an individual.
2. To reduce health risks
Non-CARB compliant generators produce harmful pollutants which are known to cause serious health risks. Air pollutants have been associated with almost every respiratory health problem you can think off as well as other popular health problems today. Buying a CARB compliant generator is a great way to safeguard the health of your family and those around you from unnecessary health problems.
3. To breathe fresher/cleaner air
Non-compliant generators pollute the air. If you care about the quality/freshness of the air you breathe, you should really consider buying a CARB-compliant generator.
4. To adhere to set regulations
You stand to face legal action i.e. fines if you are found using non-compliant generators in states which follow CARB regulations. You should therefore buy a CARB-compliant generator to avoid legal problems. The health benefits alone should however be enough to motivate you to comply with CARB regulations.
5. CARB Compliant generators are actually the best/highest-quality generators available today
For a generator to emit less harmful gases, it has to be made using the best generator components. The components also need to be engineered perfectly to produce clean energy in an energy efficient manner. This is simply why CARB compliant generators tend to be the best generators in the market in every aspect besides producing lower quantities of harmful gases. The generators tend to be more durable, feature better designs, come with longer warranties etc.
Choosing a CARB compliant generator
It’s important to note that there are very many types of CARB compliant generators in the market today. CARB compliant generators come in all capacities and feature the most high-tech generator features today. You can even get CARB compliant generators using gas, fossil fuel etc. You don’t therefore compromise on anything by choosing a compliant generator. In fact, you focus on the most important factors you should consider when buying anything i.e. health and safety.
To be able to choose a CARB compliant generator, you must examine the manufacturer and model of the generator you want to buy. Manufactures of CARB compliant power equipment clearly state which models are compliant so it shouldn’t be a problem identifying a CARB compliant generator.
In case you are decide to buy a generator in a typical store, you can always ask to ensure you choose a CARB compliant generator. Buying compliant generators online is easy. Information on compliance is readily available.
Potential setbacks of CARB compliant generators
CARB compliant generators tend to be more expensive than non compliant generators. The reason for this is; they are made using strict guidelines which require the use of high-quality components and the best engineering standards. Although the generators tend to be more expensive, the cost of inhaling poisonous gases is way higher. Cost shouldn’t therefore be an issue. Furthermore, the generators tend to be cheaper in the long-term because they tend to be more energy efficient. CARB generators definitely offer value for money.
It’s also worth noting that CARB-compliant generators produce harmful emissions too although in very small quantities. They are however the best alternative to typical generators today. The best way to ensure you are fully protected from harmful generator emissions is to ensure you use your generator is a well ventilated/aerated environment preferably outdoors.
This article is for information, not to offer any details on specific models. But if you wish to see a selection of CARB compliant generators, click this link: