Mosquito Control, Mosquito Killer: Important Facts & Information Including Top 9 Mosquito Killers, foggers and repellents. Outdoor Living loves the outdoors, but one way to enjoy them better is dealing with distractions, and mosquitos are a major one.
Before looking at the top mosquito killers, and what makes for a great mosquito killer, it’s important to understand mosquitoes in-depth.
What are mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes are small flies that belong to the Culicidae family. They are a global menace because they transmit extremely harmful infections and not because they bite and suck blood out of their victims. Mosquitoes are responsible for causing some of the most deadly diseases globally from malaria, yellow fever, West Nile virus, chikungunya, filariasis and dengue fever to the most recent and deadly Zika virus.
The Zika Virus
For decades, the Zika virus was restricted to a narrow equatorial belt between Africa and Asia. The virus however started spreading eastwards across the Pacific Ocean in the last decade. Just recently (2015-2016), the disease reached Brazil and spread to North America resulting in a widespread Zika epidemic. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the Zika virus will affect most of America by December, 2016. The virus has already claimed lives in North America the 1st case involving a Utah woman in June 2016. The virus has also posed serious health concerns among athletes and attendees of the ongoing Olympics in Rio, Brazil.
The Zika virus is such a deadly infection since it causes asymptomatic infections which are very hard to diagnose. Every 1 in 5 Zika virus cases causes fever and rush. The virus can is spread fastest by mosquitoes. The Zika virus can cause serious neurological problems i.e. microcephaly among other serious brain anomalies when transmitted from mother to unborn child. In adults, it is responsible for causing the Guillain-Barre syndrome (rapid onset muscle weakness) which introduces serious health problems such as blood pressure and heart rate abnormalities. The importance of protecting yourself and your family from mosquitoes can’t therefore be overlooked.
Video explaining the Zika virus:
Important facts about mosquitoes
Mosquitoes measure approximately 6mm long and weigh about 2.5milligrams. They have three main body parts namely; the head, thorax and abdomen. Their head contains compound eyes, an antennae and most importantly, a proboscis, which mosquitoes use to pierce the skin of their host and suck blood.
Mosquitoes feed on the blood of all types of hosts mainly vertebrates which include mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and some kinds of fish. Mosquitoes spread diseases via their saliva which also causes skin irritation. By feeding on the blood of one host and moving onto another, mosquitoes transmit harmful infections. It’s worth noting that most infections caused by mosquitoes are spread by the female mosquito which needs blood to produce eggs. Male mosquitoes usually feed on flower nectar.
Mosquito Species
According to the AMCA (American Mosquito Control Association), there are more than 3,000 mosquito species globally, 176 of which are found in the U.S. The most dangerous mosquito species are the Culex, Anopheles and Aedes genera.
Culex mosquitoes
Culex mosquitoes are among the most deadly types of mosquitoes because they are the main transmitters of the West Nile virus. Culex mosquitoes hibernate during winter/cold seasons and breed during summer/warm months. They lay eggs on the surface of stagnant water. Culex mosquitoes travel short distances i.e. a few hundred yards from their habitats. Adult Culex mosquitoes usually feed at night. They are aggressive and persistent biters although they love birds more than humans.
Anopheles mosquitoes
Anopheles mosquitoes also love breeding during warm weather. They are deadly because they are the main carriers of the parasite (Plasmodium) which causes malaria, a disease which causes more than 1 million deaths globally every year. The eggs of the anopheles mosquito go through the typical developmental process of mosquito eggs i.e. egg, larva, pupa and then adult. It is however important to note that their larva doesn’t have breathing tubes like other mosquito larvae. As a result, their larva must lie strategically (parallel to the water surface) to allow breathing via special holes on the sides known as spiracles. Although Culex mosquitoes can thrive in polluted stagnant water, anopheles mosquitoes prefer clean water habitats. Anopheles mosquitoes love feeding on human and cattle blood at night.
Aedes mosquitoes
Aedes mosquitoes are among the deadliest mosquitoes because they are responsible for transmitting dengue and yellow fever. Aedes mosquitoes lay eggs on moist soil as well as containers which catch rainfall periodically. They prefer breeding in overflow ditches, old tires and tree holes over any other habitats. Aedes mosquito eggs can withstand dry weather and hatch after floods. They develop in 4-stages like other mosquitoes. However, unlike their other deadly counterparts, Aedes mosquitoes feed during the day and night. They are aggressive and painful biters.
Suitable habitats / breeding grounds
Mosquitoes can live and thrive in almost any environment. This is one of the main reasons mosquitoes are hard to deal with conclusively. Mosquitoes however love forests, marshes, tall weeds and grass. Although mosquitoes can survive in cold weather, they can’t thrive in it. There are two main types of mosquitoes in regards to habitat namely; permanent water mosquitoes and floodwater mosquitoes.
Permanent water mosquitoes lay eggs in clumps at the edge of ponds and lakes among vegetation and marshes in such areas. The Anopheles and Culex mosquitoes are the most common type of permanent water mosquitoes. As the name suggests, these kinds of mosquitoes exist in areas near permanent water sources such as lakes and ponds. Permanent mosquitoes can also bread in buckets, open water tanks among other containers capable of collecting and holding water. The eggs of permanent mosquitoes must permanently in water for a few days to hatch.
Flood water mosquitoes don’t need permanent water. They can lay and hatch their eggs in moist soil. Their eggs can survive on dry ground until it rains. Examples of suitable habitats for flood water mosquitoes include; drainage ditches, woodland pools, floodplains, meadows as well as irrigated pastures and fields. They can also survive and breed in containers. One of the most common floodwater mosquito species is the Aedes Vexans.
Mosquito life cycle
To be able to know how to get rid of mosquitoes effectively, it’s important to understand their life cycle as well. Mosquitoes have 4 developmental stages like typical insects namely; egg, larvae, pupae, adult.
· Egg Stage: The egg state commences when female mosquitoes lay eggs. This happened every 3rd day during the lifespan of a female mosquito. The eggs are laid in clumps of 100-300 eggs. The eggs are usually laid on wet ground or standing water. They can however be laid on dry ground although they won’t hatch unless they are submerged in water for 2-3 days.
· Larvae stage: When the eggs hatch, they enter the larvae stage. The larva usually floats on water to allow breathing. The larvae feeds on organic matter present in the water. It takes about a week for the larvae to develop into pupae. Mosquitoes are easiest to kill during this stage because they are most vulnerable. For instance, oil is commonly used as an effective mosquito killer during this stage to cover the surface of mosquito infested waters and prevent the larvae from breathing.
· Pupae stage: During the pupae stage, the partially developed mosquito doesn’t feed. The pupae is usually very defensive at this stage and sinks to the bottom of the water when threatened by predators. The pupae resemble cocoons with heads and tiny flippers. It takes approximately 4 days for the pupae to develop into an adult mosquito.
· Adult stage: The newly emerged adult mosquito climbs out of the water to rest and dry out after the pupae stage. It takes 1 to 2 days for the reproductive organs of the male mosquito to develop fully after which males seek out females and mate with them. While the male mosquitoes are feeding on fruit/plant nectar, the females seek for blood to produce eggs and restart the cycle. Under ideal conditions, mosquitoes can live for 1 to 2 months.
Video on mosquito life cycle:
Suitable remedies: Destroy habitats and /or taking measures to prevent mosquito bites
One of the best ways of dealing with mosquitoes is to destroy their habitats. In cases where that isn’t possible i.e. when there is a permanent water body that you can’t do anything about, it’s advisable to look into ways of preventing mosquitoes bites.
Destroying mosquito habitats
As mentioned above, mosquitoes can’t thrive in areas where there is no stagnant water and vegetation so one of the best ways to get rid of mosquitoes is to clear and drain such habitats. If your yard has shrubs, long grass and stagnant water in containers, old tires etc, it’s time to clear your yard and drain all stagnant water sources.
If you have large stagnant water source nearby, you can use oil as discussed above although this method is discouraged because it poses harm to other living organisms inside water and the soil. Alternatively, you can plant natural mosquito repellent plants like lavender as you destroy mosquito habitats around your home. These are just some of the most common mosquito killer methods used today.
Preventing mosquito bites
When it’s not possible to get rid of mosquito habitats around your home, you can consider ways of preventing mosquito bites. One of the most common ways is using a mosquito net. Others include; wearing mosquito repellent, using all natural mosquito repellents i.e. tea tree oil and lavender oil, using a mosquito swatter, mosquito insecticide etc.
These are some of the most common ways of dealing with mosquitoes bites globally. It is however important to note that most of these remedies aren’t effective as they are marketed to be. For instance, most mosquito insecticides and repellents in the market today don’t work effectively. Although effective, mosquito nets are somewhat restrictive. They also tend to harbor dust and other insects with time posing other heath concerns.
It’s because of these reasons we have tried to compile great product recommendations to help you deal with mosquitoes, fast, easy and effectively in an affordable manner. Below are our top mosquito killers
Mosquito Killer | Top 9 mosquito killers available today
1. Flowtron MA-1000-6 Octenol Mosquito Killer Attractant Cartridges 6-Pack

Not exactly a mosquito killer but an attractant. The Flowtron MA-1000-6 Octenol is used alongside electronic mosquito killers among other insect killers to make them more effective.
Top features
· Effective: Makes electronic insect killers up to 5 times effective. Lasts for up to 3 months. Works for all types of deadly mosquitoes
· Very convenient. Comes in a 6-pack
· Easy to install
· Safe
2. Summit 20-Pack Mosquito Dunk Mosquito Killer

Effective organic larvae ide that kills mosquitoes at larvae stage. Extremely effective for outdoor mosquito remedies. Placed in stagnant water among other moist mosquito habitats.
Top features
· 100% effective and safe: Made using ingredients which are harmless to beneficial flora and fauna i.e. beneficial insects, fish, birds etc. Kills mosquito larvae effectively before they become adult mosquitoes.
· Long-lasting: Lasts up to a month.
· Wide coverage: Each dunk is capable of covering up to 100 square feet of mosquito killer
3. Thermacell Mosquito Repellent Outdoor & Camping Repellent Device

Undoubtedly one of the best outdoor mosquito killer / repellents out there today (shown above in a combo pack)
Top features
· Safe and effective: Doesn’t produce any open flames like most outdoor repellents today. The repellent uses Allethrin; a synthetic copy of the natural repellent found in chrysanthemum flowers. Effective for all types of biting insects especially mosquitoes.
· Variety: Available in light gray, olive, woodlands camo, brown, realtree AP Pink and Xtra Green to match all kinds of tastes and preferences.
· Large protection zone: Offers a 15 by 15 foot protection zone.
· Silent, odor-free and easy operation. No noise, smell, greasy or sticky sprays/lotions.
· Easy to use and carry: The repellent is cordless, sizeable (pocket-sized) and lightweight (0.3kg)
· Comes with a 1-year warranty.
4. Hoont Powerful Electronic Indoor Bug Zapper, 32 Watts

The Hoont Electronic Bug Zapper is one of the best indoor mosquito killer / zappers for residential and commercial use.
Top features
· Effective: Has 2-high intensity 10-watt UV bulbs which are effective in attracting mosquitoes and instantly killing them when they make contact the zapper’s metal grid.
· Multipurpose: Works for mosquitoes and other types of insects. Great for homes as well as commercial and industrial complexes.
· 100% safe and clean: The Zapper comes with a detachable chain that allows mounting away from children and pets. The Zapper can also be free standing. Dead insects are collected in a bottom unit making the entire process clean. The Zapper is also free of pesticides and doesn’t produce any smell.
· Its easy to clean the electric grid.
· Wide coverage: The Zapper can cover an area measuring up to 6,000 square feet. This makes the Zapper great for homes, offices, restaurants, schools etc.
· Maintenance free/easy to use: You just need to plug in the zapper and watch it kill mosquitoes among other insects by electrocuting them. For a fair price, you have a permanent mosquito solution.
Top foggers
If you’re looking for the best mosquito foggers for getting rid of mosquitoes in your backyard, here are two great ones.
5. Cutter Backyard Bug Control Outdoor Fogger; 16oz

Top features
· Extremely effective: Kills mosquitoes instantly on contact
· Great for backyards as well as patios, decks and picnic areas
· Multipurpose: Kills mosquitoes among many other annoying insects like flies, ants and gnats.
· Creates a bite-free zone
Sold in packs of 1, 2 or 3
6. Hot Shot 20177 Fogger, 3-Count

Stands out as one of the few effective mosquito foggers that doesn’t create a mess
Top features
· Very effective in killing mosquitoes and other annoying insects. Kills instantly on contact. You don’t need to turn off your backyard lights to boost effectiveness.
· Doesn’t stain, smell or leave a messy residue. Uses a dry-fog formula which resists staining.
· Long-lasting: Lasts for up to 6 weeks. Comes with 3 foggers. One fogger can treat up to 2,000 cubic feet.
· Made using a deep reaching formula that reaches mosquitoes as well as spiders, fleas, crickets etc.
Top Repellents
7. REPEL HG- 24109 Lemon Eucalyptus Natural Insect Repellent, with 4oz Pump Spray, Twin Pack

Top features of this mosquito killer:
· 100% safe and effective: Made using effective CDC approved plant-based ingredients known to repel mosquitoes effectively and safely. Is also DEET free thus it doesn’t harm gear.
· Long lasting: Last approximately 6 hours which is longer than your average mosquito/insect repellent.
· Produces a cool and refreshing scent.
· Protects against the West Nile Virus. Kills stubborn and deadly Culex mosquitoes easily.
8. Cliganic Natural Mosquito Repellent Bracelet

Great mosquito killer / repellent if you love bracelets and want to keep mosquitoes away in style.
Top features
· Natural, safe and effective: Bracelets are made using 100% safe and natural essential plant oils like lemongrass oil, geraniol oil and citronella oil known to effectively repel mosquitoes
· Great for kids: Colorful and effective bracelets
· Long-lasting: Offers 250 hours of effective protection. Comes with a pack of 10 bracelets. Each bracelet comes with a resalable bag to keep it fresh/increase lifespan.
· Fits perfectly: The bracelets are fully adjustable which makes them fit anyone perfectly from kids to adults regardless of arm-size.
· Perfect for both outdoor and indoor applications: The bracelets are effective everywhere. They also come with waterproof protection.
· Comes with a 3-month warranty: Bracelets are available risk free. You can return them and get a 100% refund with no questions asked if you aren’t satisfied with the results.
· Affordable: Cost is under $15 for a 10-pack.
9. Sawyer Products Premium Insect Repellent, with 20% Picaridin

This mosquito killer stands out as one of the most effective mosquito repellents in the market against the Yellow Fever Mosquito (Aedes) which can transmit the Zika Virus.
Top features
· Extremely effective against the yellow fever mosquito known to transmit the Zika virus
· Safe: Has been reviewed and proven to be a safe and effective mosquito and overall insect repellent.
· Long-lasting: Lasts for approximately 14 hours against mosquitoes and approximately 8 hours for other biting insects like gnats, biting flies, sand flies and chiggers.
Mosquito Killer and control. I hope you enjoyed the article.