Outdoor Plastic Storage Bin
Including Product Reviews for the Rubbermaid 1172 ActionPacker Storage Box and the Lifetime 60012 Extra Large Deck Box. We will do a high level discussion of various storage products, some of it is pretty straight forward information, but hey, people ask so we write the articles! If you want the product reviews, on our two favourite larger but fairly priced outdoor storage bins, just scroll down to the bottom of the page. The other cool idea is the bin tracks, keep reading to learn more on those…

In order to optimize the storage space, a storage bin can be very useful for storing small items or big patio furniture cushions, tools, toys, all your random stuff, and even hazardous substances. Just like the storage cabinet, the rack, the storage tray or the container, storage bins offer plenty of storage possibilities for different needs and personal and professional work environments.
To store all types of small equipment safely, the storage bin is available in different models. Of varying capacities, shapes and sizes, storage bins can be made of either plastic, cardboard, or metal.
There are many types and sizes of storage bins. When keeping materials, most importantly hazardous materials, it is necessary to choose the right kind of bin for the intended use. Storage bins are made so that they wouldn’t allow any stored substance to create any kind of trouble in the workplace or domicile, avoiding you the risk of any incidents. Storage bins can have a big range of colors to choose from, though clear plastic bins are the most used used since they offer transparency allowing you to check on the content without having to open the bin.
There are many designs for storage bins as well. Stackable storage bins suit the purpose of keeping away substances in limited work places, while storage bins equipped with rollers are easier to move around when kept on a hard floor area. Before buying a storage bin, you should pay attention to OSHA standards and learn about the different types of storage bins, and be able to assess a storage bin for defects and symptoms of damage. A storage bin should be chosen according to a regulatory requirement to be adapted to the nature of the stored products, their danger, their diversity, volume and to the storage area. See below for more info if interested / concerned about standards.
Storage Bin Types
Stacking Bins:
These outdoor plastic storage bins (or for indoor as well) allow you to stack them on one another to save space in your workshop or to save room on shelves and cabinets. They are the most popular type of containers known for their durability and rigidness. They offer secure stack-ability one upon the other and accept back-to-front dividers. They exist in any sizes and colors and are made from polypropylene.
You can hang them on rails or panels and divide them to host different materials in a single container.
Shelf Bins:
This type of plastic storage bins are used on shelves or in cabinets. They are not supposed to be hang on leveled panels or rails. Another idea is using Bin tracks:
products is called: Bin TRACKS Storage System – Ceiling Mounted Storage Racks for Plastic Bins and Totes (Pack of 3 Double-Sided Bin TRACKS). Here is their image:
You could put storage bins on this, although this photo shows tires on it (so sturdy and can handle the weight). The HyLoft 01031 Folding Storage Loft:
Corrugated / Cardboard Bins :
This is the less costly type of bins yet it does not endure as much as plastic bins. It needs to be constantly replaced and is best for story non-oily materials, and in dry spaces where dense storage is necessary.
Conductive Bins
These are specialty containers that are made from a carbon filled polypropylene that dissipates any chance of a static charge build-up. Also known as Electro Static Dissipatives or static safe bins, they are only available in black color and are made especially for usage in manufacturing or storage spaces where static safe storage is a must.
Recommended outdoor plastic storage bins :
Fixed outdoor plastic storage bin, such as the Lifetime 60012 Extra Large Deck Box – or mobile storage bins such as the Rubbermaid 1172 ActionPacker Storage Box are the first security gate when the containers of hazardous products leak their contents after a hardware leak (weakened or damaged containers) or human carelessness (containers overturned during a mishandling or small spillage).
The Lifetime 60012 Extra Large Deck Box

The Lifetime 60012 Extra Large Deck Box which has the most storage capacity of any deck box we reviewed and has a fantastic warranty. A spring hinge makes sure the lid would not suddenly slam shut which is a great functionality that’s exclusive at this price set. This 130 gallon Lifetime deck box has a fantastic storage capacity to conveniently store all the items you need to keep outdoors in a stable,durable lockable, tight lid which widens to 90 degrees while open. The flexible design of the Lifetime deck box even allows you to install shelves on it. This weather-resistant storage bin is designed to endure the elements with UV-protected high -density polyethylene (HDPE) construction and a water-resistant seal to keep your storage items safe and dry.
The Rubbermaid 1172 ActionPacker Storage Box

Maybe the most functional, best value outdoor plastic storage bin: The Rubbermaid 1172 ActionPacker Storage Box comes in four different sizes : 8 – 24 – 35 and 48 gallons. This mobile storage bin is completely unaffected by summer heat or winter frost. It is durable and very compact. The Rubbermaid 1172 ActionPacker provides a durable, strong storage you can rely on. Mixing strength with versatility, this portable yet strong toolbox is ideal for everything from material and tool storage to long-distance trips. A lockable latch (lock not included) offers security insurance, while the lightweight, stackable construction gives you plenty of space.
If interested, more Health and Safety comments:
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration makes sure to insure safety and health legislations. OSHA diminishes exposure to hazardous substances and materials by enforcing the use of personal protective equipment and proper storage. Most of the time, an outdoor plastic storage bin should be positioned with great care in stacked and fixated tiers that have a limit of height to avoid any possible collapse and spill of the content. Most of these regulations concern some specific substances that are either flammable or combustible.Materials that are mis-stored can be the cause of so many a great physical or health incidents and problems.
An outdoor plastic storage bin must meet health standards, security in the workplace and respect for the ISO 14001 environmental standard. Storing a product identified as dangerous, harmful or flammable must be done in an appropriate place on a storage bin adapted to the characteristics of the product. For example, it is strictly forbidden to store hazardous products in food containers
This wise decision will be cheaper than treating a spill that could cause an accident at work or occupational hazards or diseases (Irritation or chemical burns, poisoning, falls on a slippery floor, injury by a misplaced or stowed packaging).
Inspecting an Outdoor Plastic Storage Bin: When buying storage bins, you should carefully examine the bin’s condition. If buying secondhand or used, buyers should be careful not to be one that has damage, holes, leaks, water damage, etc… since it obviously will not allow the storage bin to function as intended.