One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a generator is noise. Let’s discuss quiet generators. Although there are many other factors you should consider i.e. price, output, size, etc., it is very important to choose a generator that produces acceptable noise levels otherwise you’ll have a very hard time using the generator. If you’re tired of loud generators, look no further. Below is everything you need to know about low noise or quiet generators. We have also made a point of listing the quietest generators available on sale today. Let’s, however, take a step back and discuss generator noise in detail.
Why do conventional generators produce a lot of noise?
Conventional generators are the most popular types of generators today because they have been available in the market for the longest time. The generators, however, have one common disadvantage i.e. they produce too much noise. Conventional generators have remained unchanged for decades. They run on gasoline or diesel which powers a motor that has been attached to an alternator which in turn produces electricity.
Conventional generators run at a constant speed (approximately 3600 rpm) to be able to produce enough electricity (120-240 volts AC/ 60 Hertz). This makes the generators less fuel efficient compared to newer alternatives such as inverter generators. The constant speed also makes the generators produce constant noise regardless of the required power load. Conventional generators also lack in regards to technology. Since the generators have remained unchanged for many years, they haven’t been improved in any significant way.
What are inverter generators? How do inverter generators work?
Inverter generators are the most recent types of generators. The generators use advanced electronic circuitry as well as high-tech magnets to solve many problems associated with conventional generators. Although the generators produce AC current like most traditional generators, the current is converted to DC current first and then back to AC current (inverted) hence the name inverter generator. AC current has many benefits i.e. it is cleaner and safer.
Inverter generators also produce less noise. They feature quieter engines among other features i.e. sound-dampening technology and special mufflers which reduce generator noise to incredibly low levels. Inverter generators also adjust their electrical characteristics depending on the required output. The generators use special electronics and microprocessors to adjust electricity production accordingly. In simpler terms inverter generators run according to the current power load which makes them more fuel efficient and less noisy than conventional generators.
Silenced generators
Apart from inverter generators, there are other types of quiet generators i.e. silenced generators that produce less noise than traditional generators. Silenced generators usually have an engine that is similar to that in most conventional generators. They are however quieter than conventional generators because they feature an acoustic cabinet which dampens the sound produced. Although silenced generators are a better alternative to conventional generators because they produce less noise, inverter generators stand out as the quietest generators in the market today.
Conventional vs. inverter generator
Main differences
- Engine-alternator combination: Conventional generators have the alternator and engine as two separate units. In inverter generators, the alternator and engine are combined into one unit.
- Conventional generator engines run constantly at full speed (usually 3600 RPM). Inverter generators alter speed automatically depending on the required load.
- Conventional generators are big and heavy. Inverter generators are small and lightweight.
- Inverter generators produce clean AC power. Conventional generator power isn’t as clean.
Advantages of Inverter generators over conventional generators
- Less noise: Inverter generators are specially designed as low noise generators.
- More energy efficient: Inverter generators run according to the required power load. As a result, they don’t waste any energy.
- More portable: Inverter generators are much lighter and smaller than conventional generators
- Safer: Exposure to noise for a prolonged period of time results in physical discomfort, insomnia
- Anonymity: The quietest generators are able to give you that much-needed anonymity in applications such as camping.
- Better power quality.
- Other benefits: parallel operation. Identical inverter generators can be linked together to double the power output.
Disadvantages of conventional generators in comparison to inverter generators
- Tend to be a bit costly
Here is an informative 2 minute video to help illustrate the differences, using Champion generators:
Understanding generator noise levels
To be able to understand quiet generators in-depth, it is important to understand generator noise levels. To do this, you must understand how noise is measured, acceptable noise levels, common noise levels, generator noise levels, etc. First and foremost, it’s worth noting that noise level is measured in decibel which is usually labeled as dBA.
Generator manufacturers usually indicate generator noise levels as a number i.e. 59dBA or as a range i.e. 55-59dBA. In cases where a range is provided, generator manufacturers usually list the noise levels at different loads i.e. at a quarter load and full load. When considering the noise levels, it is important to pay attention to the noise levels at full load since that’s the maximum amount of noise the generator should produce.
Inverter generators are regarded as the quietest generators in the market today because they produce noise levels which are as loud as normal conversation noise levels at full load. It’s also worth noting that generator noise levels are measured a few meters away from the generator (usually 7 meters). Also, an increase in noise levels (by 10 decibels) will double the amount of noise you hear. With that in mind, let’s check out different sound levels as well as the corresponding rating to be able to understand and compare the amount of noise produced by different types of generators in comparison to different things.
Noise level (in decibels) and the corresponding rating
- Nightclub: 110 dBA Very (loud)
- Lawnmower: 90 dBA (Loud)
- Alarm clock: 80 dBA (loud)
- Vacuum cleaner: 70 dBA (Moderate-loud)
- Conventional generator: 69 dBA (moderate-loud)
- Normal conversation: 60 dBA (moderate)
- Inverter generator: 55 dBA (Quiet)
- Computer: 40 dBA (very quiet)
Generator power vs. decibel
It’s worth noting that the output produced by a generator is directly proportional to the amount of noise produced by that generator. This simply means that a 3,000-watt generator will be noisier than a 2,000-watt generator. Noise levels also increase as the load increases. Although this may seem like an obvious fact, you should pay attention to the generator wattage you choose especially when you require higher wattage than normal. The importance of determining your power needs can’t, therefore, be overlooked.
All in all, inverter generators with a high output always produce less noise than their corresponding traditional counterparts. Also, high-output inverter generators tend to produce less noise than most low output conventional generators. In a nutshell, inverter generators have the best power to noise output ratio.
Other factors affecting generator noise levels
Apart from factors such as distance and power, the amount of generator noise produced also depends on other factors such as air density. Physical surroundings can also alter the noise levels produced by two identical generators. For instance, when the noise level is measured from a quiet surrounding, the resulting measurement will always be quieter. The noise measuring machine can also alter the noise reading depending on whether the machine picks up ambient noise or not.
Quiet generator applications/inverter generator applications
Quiet generators can be used in any applications where generator noise is a cause for concern. For instance, inverter generators are perfect for indoor use during power outages. Since the generators produce very little noise, they are ideal for indoor use without causing any disturbance. The generators are also ideal in places with noise restrictions i.e. in gated communities. Inverter generators are also perfect for camping applications that require anonymity and privacy.
Some other benefits of inverter generators i.e. portability also make the generators perfect when you want a generator that can be transported easily. Inverter generators also come in handy when you want high-quality power for powering sensitive electronics i.e. laptops, Smartphones, etc. during power outages or when you don’t have access to the power grid.
Choosing an inverter generator: What do you need to know/consider?
There are many factors you need to consider when you want to end up with the best inverter generator for you. Below is everything you need to know/consider.
1. How much power do you need?
Your power needs top the list of most important considerations to make when choosing an inverter generator. You must think of what you intend to power with you inverter generator for you to get the best inverter generator for you. It’s worth noting that different appliances have different power demands. For instance, an air conditioner will demand more power than a small TV. You should also factor in if all the appliances you want to power will be powered at the same time. Other important factors to consider include; the start-up as well as the continual power use load. This factor is important to consider since some appliances i.e. air conditioners and microwaves usually require more power at startup. Making such considerations ensures you calculate the exact amount of power you need.
Luckily, manufacturers of all appliances usually indicate all power requirements which makes it easier to estimate the amount of power you need. Depending on your power needs, you should be able to choose an ideal inverter generator. Most inverter generators fall under three main power categories i.e. 1000watts, 2000 watts, and 3000 watts+. A 1000 Watt inverter generator is perfect when you want the lowest noise levels. The generator is also perfect for basic power needs i.e. when you want to power computers, TVs among other small electronics and lighting.
In cases where you have moderate power needs i.e. you want to power a microwave oven, heaters, hair dryers, coffee pots among other similar appliances which have greater power needs than small electronics, a 2000 watt inverter generator will be perfect for you. You should, however, expect slightly higher noise levels because of the higher output. Inverter generators which are 3000 watts + are perfect for heavy-duty power applications i.e. when you want to power almost everything simultaneously.
2. What noise level is acceptable to you?
Inverter generators are generally preferable when noise is the most important cause for concern. When choosing an inverter generator, you must consider the ideal noise level for you. Sometimes you may be required to compromise on power output to get the best noise level. In such cases, you must consider powering essential appliances only. By considering the above information on noise levels, you shouldn’t have a problem identifying an inverter generator that produces acceptable noise levels. All in all, inverter generators are the quietest generators on sale today.
3. Consider the application
Sometimes the best way to find an ideal inverter generator is to consider the application. In some cases, your application may override your power needs. For instance, you may just want a quiet generator that can operate within the acceptable noise levels in your area. In such a case, you may not have too much leeway. Your application may be the most important consideration in such a case.
4. Price
It’s also important to consider the price. Inverter generators are usually more costly than conventional generators initially. However, they are usually way cheaper in the long-term when you consider the fact that they are more energy efficient. The safety benefits they offer also save you from unnecessary costs. For instance, since the generators produce clean and safe power, you don’t have to worry about incurring expenses associated with damaged electronics. In a nutshell, you shouldn’t be worried about paying more for an inverter generator because you stand to recover the cost and enjoy huge savings in the future.
5. Other considerations i.e. size
Although inverter generators tend to be smaller than conventional generators, inverter generators still vary in terms of size. For instance, there are those that will easily fit on your hand while there are those that are large and require more than one person to transport. As a result, don’t forget to ask yourself what an ideal sized quiet generator is to you.
Quiet Generators: The Quietest Generators in the Market Today
1. The Champion Power Equipment, 75537i, 3,100W inverter generator (Noise level: 58 dBA, Current rating: 4.4/5)
The Champion Power Equipment, 75537i, 3,100W inverter generator comes highly rated as one of the quietest inverter generators given its impressive operational noise level of just 58 dBA (at 23 feet). Considering this generator has other impressive features such as remote startup when you are 80 feet away, the Champion Power Equipment, 75537i, 3,100W inverter generator can produce way less noise levels. The generator’s output makes it perfect for powering essential appliances as well as a few power tools on the go. Below is a more detailed discussion on everything you need to know about the Champion Power Equipment, 75537i, 3,100W inverter generator.

Top features/specs
- Output: Powered by a 171 cc 4-stroke single cylinder engine which produces 3100 starting watts and 2800 running watts.
- Noise: 58 dBA (at 23 feet).
- Starting features: Wireless/remote start from up to 80 feet away.
- Load: 120 V AC load.
- Runtime: Runs up to 8 hours at 25% load.
- Functionality features: Comes with a battery, oil funnel, 12Volt DC charging cables, USB ports (2.1A & 1A style ports).
- Safety features: Has a sensor that powers the generator off when the generator has low-oil levels. Also features a spark arrestor which is USDA approved and overload protection.
- Environmental friendly features: The 75537i, 3,100W has been EPA and CARB certified.
- Portability features: Has an integrated mobility kit as well as built-in carrying handles.
- Gasoline capacity: 6 L or 1.6 gallons.
- Dimensions and weight: Measures: 63.7 cm by 44 cm by 46.4 cm in length, width, and height respectively. Weighs 49 kg gross weight, 43.8 kg net weight.
- Warranty: Two year limited warranty
Suitable applications
The Champion Power Equipment, 75537i, 3,100W inverter generator is perfect for basic powering needs i.e. powering laptops, radios, TVs, modem/routers, a small refrigerator, a microwave, charging Smartphones, etc. The Champion Power Equipment, 75537i can also power one or two small power tools. This makes the generator perfect for tent, RV, tailgating or trailer applications.
Top pros
- The generator is low noise: Many people who have bought the Champion Power Equipment, 75537i, praise it for being very quiet. With the noise level being just 58 dBA at 23 feet, many people find the generator usable indoors without causing disturbances. Considering you can move the generator as far as 80 feet away, this generator doesn’t produce any noise at all according to most owners.
- Safe: Many people who have bought the Champion Power Equipment, 75537i, also find the generator safe. Features such as; a low oil shut-off sensor, overload protection, and a spark arrestor reduce common generator safety risks immensely. Many people also love the fact that the generator is EPA and CARB certified (doesn’t pose any environmental pollution risks)
- Portable: The Champion Power Equipment, 75537i is also incredibly portable judging from many customer reviews. Many people who own this inverter generator love the fact that it has an integrated mobility kit and built-in carrying handles that make it incredibly easy to transport the generator.
- Long operation: The Champion Power Equipment, 75537i, has also been praised for running for long during average use. The generator can run for 8 hours non-stop which is adequate for catering to all essential/typical powering and lighting needs.
- Highly functional: The Champion Power Equipment 75537i inverter generator features USB and 12v charging ports which make the generator ideal for typical powering applications. Many Champion Power Equipment 75537i owners love the fact that they can power most (if not all) appliances.
- Made by a reputable generator Manufacturer: Champion Power Equipment is a renowned global market leader in the power generating equipment industry. Champion Power Equipment has been around since 2003. The manufacturer has sold more than 2.5 million generators in North America alone establishing an unmatched reputation in the process. Many people trust the Champion Power Equipment brand and associate it with high quality and dependable powering equipment.
Possible cons
Although most Champion Power Equipment 75537i online reviews are positive, there are a few people who don’t like a few things about the generator. For instance, some people feel the generator is a bit heavy at 40+ kgs. Some people also feel the generator is bulky.
If you’re looking for a low noise/low decibel inverter generator and you have moderate power needs, the Champion Power Equipment 75537i will work great for you. The generator produces just 58 dBA (normal conversation noise), and you have the option of putting the generator further away from you (up to 80 feet) away to enjoy lower noise. You, however, need to deal with cons surrounding the weight and bulkiness if you need to carry the generator around often or if you don’t have adequate space. These cons can, however, be tolerated.
2. Honda EU2000i 2,000W inverter generator (Noise level: 59 dBA, Current Rating: 4.7/5)
The Honda EU2000i 2,000W inverter generator produces 53-59 decibels during operation. This is less noise than most inverter generators in the market today. Considering the generator can produce even less noise at lower load, this inverter generator clearly deserves a spot on this list. With an average runtime of 8.1 hours on a full tank of fuel at 25% load, the Honda EU2000i is capable of offering reliable power for extended time periods. The generator is also more energy efficient than most inverter generators in the market considering you get 8+ hours of operation for less gas i.e. a 0.95-gallon fuel tank. The Honda EU2000i also stands out in many other aspects. For instance, the generator is lighter than most inverter generators out there i.e. weighs just 46 pounds. The generator is also smaller and more compact.
Top features/specs
- Engine: Honda GX100, 98.5cc displacement.
- Noise level: 59 decibels (Rated load), 53 decibels at 25% load.
- Inverter feature: Has a super quiet inverter. Safe for powering computers among other sensitive electronics/appliances.
- Starting system: Has a recoil starting system
- Runtime: 3.4 hours at rated load, 8.1 hours at 25% load.
- Portability: Lightweight (weighs just 47 pounds) and features a carrying handle. Accessories such as a handi cart available.
- Dimensions and weight: Measures 11.4 by 16.75 by 20.13 inches in length, width and height respectively. Weighs 47 pounds.
- Warranty: Comes with a 3-year residential/commercial warranty.
- Other accessories: Parallel cables/kit, skin-it kit, storage cover and DC charging chord.
Suitable applications
The Honda EU2000i is perfect for typical powering applications such as powering incandescent lights, TV/DVD, computer, blender, coffee maker, portable fan, hair dryer etc. This makes the Honda EU2000i inverter generator ideal as an alternative powering source for typical powering applications i.e. during blackouts, camping etc.
What are customers saying?
Honda EU2000i 2,000W inverter generator reviews
Top pros
- The generator is super quiet: Many customer reviews refer to the Honda EU2000i 2,000W inverter generator as a super quiet generator. According to many reviews, the generator produces less noise than most normal conversations which is very impressive. At 53 to 59 dBA, you are rest assured of operating the Honda EU2000i anywhere including indoors without suffering any disturbances.
- Extremely sizable and portable: Judging from most Honda EU2000i online reviews, it’s also accurate to conclude that the generator is incredibly compact, lightweight and portable. Many people who own the Honda EU2000i find the generator extremely easy to carry around by hand. At just 47 pounds and 11.4 by 16.75 by 20.13 inches in length, width and height respectively, the generator can be moved around easily by hand.
- Very safe: Produces clean/safe power. The Honda EU2000i also stands out for being ideal for powering a wide variety of sensitive electronics and appliances. The generator also has safety features such as an oil alert feature that detect low oil levels shutting down the generator to avoid damage. The generator also has a spark arrestor and is circuit protected.
- Fuel efficient: The Honda EU2000i also stands out in online reviews as one of the most fuel efficient inverter generators available in the market today given the fact that you get up to 8.1 hours of non-stop operation on less than a gallon of gas.
- Parallel capability: Customers also love the fact that you can get more power by connecting the generator to another identical generator using an optional cable.
- Comes with a 3-year warranty: Many people also love the fact that the Honda EU2000i comes with a 3-year residential/commercial warranty. Very few inverter generators offer such a warranty. Buying the Honda EU2000i is risk-free according to many reviews. The Honda brand is renowned and respected globally.
Possible cons
Like most generators, the Honda EU2000i has some cons. Some of the cons expressed revolve around the price. Some people feel the generator is a bit costly given its output.
The Honda EU2000i may not be the cheapest inverter generator out there. However, the sound operational noise level is amazing. There are very few inverter generators in the market today that are capable of producing just 53 decibels at normal operation. Noise aside, the generator is perfect for applications that involve carrying the unit around. The compact and lightweight feature makes it extremely easy to move the generator anywhere by hand. Considering you get a 3-year warranty, unmatched fuel efficiency, and safety, the cost of the Honda EU2000i is justifiable according to most reviews. If you have typical power needs that must be met by a quiet portable inverter generator, the Honda EU2000i is a good option. Otherwise, you can consider other inverter generators.
3. Briggs & Stratton P3000 3,000W inverter generator (Noise level: 59 dBA, Current Rating: 4.3/5)
The Briggs & Stratton P3000 inverter generator also deserves a spot on this list given it’s below average noise output. This inverter generator produces noise that is equal to normal conversation noise despite being very powerful. This inverter generator has a rare combination of power and silence. The Briggs & Stratton P3000 inverter generator is a great inverter generator for camping and tailgating applications among other heavy-duty applications that require low noise.
Besides being silent and powerful, the Briggs & Stratton P3000 inverter generator is also high-tech. The generator features a computer-controlled engine which adjusts speed automatically to save fuel as well as reduce noise even further. The generator’s inverter technology allows delivery of power in a quiet, efficient and consistent manner. This is part of the reason why the generator is able to offer 10 hours of non-stop runtime using only 1.5 gallons of fuel. The generator is also safer. The inverter technology allows less than 3% harmonic distortion resulting in power that is safe for all kinds of sensitive electronic devices.
Top features/specs
- Engine: Powered by a computer controlled OHV engine; 2600 running watts, 3000 starting watts.
- Noise: 59 dBA. Noise levels similar to those produced during normal conversation.
- Operational features: 1.5-gallon fuel tank that offers 10 hours of non-stop operation at 25% load.
- Port features: Four household outlets, one 12v, 30 amp locking outlet featuring an RV adaptor charging outlet. Also has a USB port.
- Portability features: Has a twin handle and wheels for easy transportation. The generator also has a luggage-style handle that increases mobility even further.
- Warranty: 2 years limited warranty
- Weight and dimensions: Weighs 84 pounds. Measures 23.6 by 15.3 by 29. 5 inches in length, width, and height respectively.
What are customers saying? Briggs & Stratton P3000 inverter generator reviews
Top pros
- Powerful but quiet: There are many customer reviews online praising the Briggs & Stratton P3000 inverter generator as one of the few quiet but powerful inverter generators on sale today. The P3000 produces 59 dBA only. The generator is, therefore, ideal for heavy duty powering applications where noise is a huge concern
- Superior portability: Many reviews also attest to the fact that the manufacturer did more than expected to make the generator portable. Although the generator is considerably heavy at 84 pounds, the manufacturer has installed wheels, a two-person carry handle as well as a luggage-style handle to boost portability. The generator can be transported easily by one or more persons over any kind of terrain.
- Parallel operation: Many Briggs & Stratton P3000 owners also love the fact that the generator capacity can be doubled easily by attaching a second identical unit and combining the two units using a PowerSmart parallel kit which is readily available.
- LCD display: There are also many positive reviews on the generator’s LCD StatStation Display. Many Briggs & Stratton P3000 owners love the LCD display on the generator that tells important information such as the amount of power being produced and consumed, total unit hours among other important info such as maintenance reminders i.e. air filter, oil as well as spark plug changes. This feature makes it very easy to track maintenance.
- Safe for sensitive electronics: The Briggs & Stratton P3000 inverter generator also has many positive reviews on safety. Many people love the fact that they don’t have to worry about powering their sensitive electronics since the generator produces less than 3% harmonic distortion.
Possible cons
Although the Briggs & Stratton P3000 inverter generator has superior portability features, some people still feel the generator is a bit heavy. Cost is also a factor to some people. Some negative reviews also touch on the two-year unlimited warranty.
The Briggs & Stratton P3000 inverter generator can easily qualify as the quietest heavy duty inverter generator on sale today given its power output, but incredibly low noise levels. The generator also stands out as high-tech given the inverter technology and LCD display. The generator cost and limited warranty might be a setback given the fact that Briggs & Stratton is a globally renowned manufacturer of engines. However, many reviews indicate that the generator offers value for money.
4. The Yamaha EF2000iS, 2000w inverter generator (Noise level: 51 dBA, Current rating: 4.2/5)
The Yamaha EF2000iS stands out as a silent efficient and portable gas-powered inverter generator. This low noise generator produces just 51 dBA only i.e. less noise than many quiet generators on sale today. Besides low noise, you get a lightweight but powerful inverter generator that operates for 10+ hours non-stop. The Yamaha EF2000iS features superior technology that maximizes electrical output without compromising on anything including noise. This inverter generator is quiet, convenient and durable. The generator also features and extra-large handle which offers unmatched portability.
Top features/specs
- Silent engine: The Yamaha EF2000iS has a 79cc, 4-stroke air-cooled engine that has been designed for quiet operation and excellent efficiency.
- Output features: 1600 watt rated output, 2000 watt max AC output.
- Fuel efficiency features: Has a smart throttle feature that varies engine speed according to load to boost fuel efficiency and reduce noise. The Yamaha EF2000iS can operate for 10.5 hours non-stop without refueling.
- Noise features: Has a super-quiet muffler. Also, has an inverter system with (PWM control) pulse width modulation control. The generator also has rubber feet which isolate vibration for less noise.
- Safety features: USFS approved spark arrestor. The Yamaha EF2000iS is CARB and EPA compliant.
- Weight and dimensions: Weighs 44.1 pounds only and measures 19.3 by 11 by 17.9 inches in length, width and height respectively.
- Indicator features: Has indicator lights for low oil, AC overload, and AC power output.
- Warranty: 3-year limited warranty.
What are customers saying? Yamaha EF2000Is inverter generator reviews
Yamaha EF2000Is has overwhelmingly positive reviews online. Some of the most notable ones include;
Top pros
- Superior ‘’quiet’’ technology: Many customers agree that Yamaha went to great lengths to make the Yamaha EF2000Is one of the quietest generators available in the market. For instance, many Yamaha EF2000Is inverter generator owners love the fact that the generator features a highly sophisticated muffler. The generator also has features a smart throttle that intelligently alters engine speed depending on the load improving fuel efficiency and reducing noise to unbelievable levels. At 51.5 dBA, many owners of the generator find the Yamaha EF2000Is ‘’dead’’ silent. According to most reviews, you can have a conversation near the Yamaha EF2000Is without realizing the generator is running.
- Highly portable: The Yamaha EF2000Is is also highly portable. Many reviews praise the generator’s weight. At 44.1 pounds only and 2.2 cubic feet in dimensions, the Yamaha EF2000Is is incredibly lightweight and compact. This makes the generator easy to store as well as transport by hand.
- Multipurpose: The Yamaha EF2000Is has also been praised for being multipurpose. You can power about any device/appliance you can think off with the Yamaha EF2000Is. Many people love the generator’s new controller featuring advanced programming which makes the generator ideal for a wider range of applications compared to typical inverter generators.
- Cleaner/safer power: The Yamaha EF2000Is also stands out for producing cleaner/safer power than power derived from the power grid. The generator has been praised for producing power which is capable of powering all kinds of appliances and electronics today including handheld devices like Smartphones, laptops, and tablets which demand high-quality and stable power. The Yamaha EF2000Is has an inverter system featuring a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) that ensures voltage and frequency are kept stable.
- Longer runtime: Many people also love the fact that the Yamaha EF2000Is can run non-stop for 10.5 hours during regular usage on a full tank of gas. Very few quiet generators have such runtime capabilities.
- Parallel operation: People also love the idea of being able to connect the generator to another identical generator to boost output. If you feel you need double the power, you can easily connect the generator to another using a twin tech cable for heavy duty applications.
- Easier starting: The Yamaha EF2000Is is also one of the easiest quiet generators to start according to many reviews. The generator features an auto-decompression system which reduces compression allowing easier starting.
Possible cons
It’s hard coming across negative Yamaha EF2000Is inverter generator reviews online. There are however reviews about the price of the Yamaha EF2000Is. Although the generator has been praised as the most silent, high-tech and efficient inverter generator in the market today, some people still feel the generator is a bit costly. Some people also don’t like the limited warranty that comes with the generator. Some people feel the generator should be risk-free considering it costs over four figures and is made by a reputable manufacturer.
If you’re looking for the most silent, high-tech, efficient and portable gas-powered inverter generators on sale today, look no further. The Yamaha EF2000Is stands out in all these aspects. Many Yamaha EF2000Is owners have nothing but good things to say about the generator from the amazingly low noise levels to the incredible size and operational hours. You should, however, consider the cons and weigh them before making a final decision.
5. WEN 56200i 2000w inverter generator (Noise level: 51 dBA, Current Rating: 4.3/5)
Looking for the quietest budget friendly inverter generator? If yes, look no further. The WEN 56200i 2000w inverter generator produces just 51 decibels which is quieter than an average conversation as well as a window air conditioner. In fact, you can hardly hear a WEN 56200i Inverter generator in action which is why this generator comes highly recommended if you’re looking for unmatched quiet operation coupled with typical power needs. The WEN 56200i also stands out for offering clean energy. The generator has unmatched harmonic distortion ranging from 0.3 to 1.2%. This makes the WEN 56200i perfect for powering the most sensitive electronics. For more information on why the WEN 56200i 2000w inverter generator is a great quiet inverter generator, let’s take a look at the main features and specifications
Top features/specs
- Engine: 79.7cc 4-strike OHV single-cylinder engine with a forced air cooling system for unmatched silence. Running time wattage is 1600w, surge wattage is 1600w.
- Noise output: 51 dBA at 25% load
- Runtime: The WEN 56200i can run 6 hours nonstop at 50% load on a full tank of gas. (Fuel tank capacity is 1 gallon.
- Ports: Has 1-12v DC port, 1-5v USB port, two 3-prong 120Volt receptacles and parallel connection ports.
- Portability features: Has a carrying handle and pull cord.
- Fuel efficiency: The generator has an eco mode that maximizes fuel economy.
- Safety features: Has overload protection and low-oil shutdown.
- Weight and Dimensions: Weighs 48 pounds and measures 18 by 11 by 18 inches in length, width, and height respectively.
- Warranty: Comes with a two-year warranty.
What are customers saying? WEN 56200i 2000w inverter generator reviews
Top pros
- Unmatched quiet operation: Many people admit to buying the WEN 56200i because of the unbelievably low noise level at normal operations. 51 dBA is incredibly quiet according to many reviews. The generator produces very little to no noise making it the perfect generator for indoor applications as well as outdoor applications requiring low noise levels i.e. hunting.
- Great price: The WEN 56200i also stands out in regards to price. The generator costs almost half as much as most quiet generators in the market but doesn’t compromise on anything. This generator has been highly praised as the most affordable quiet generator on sale today.
- Perfect for sensitive electronics: The WEN 56200i also produces very clean electricity featuring a total harmonic distortion ranging between 0.3% and 1.2%. It doesn’t get safer for the most sensitive appliances/electronics.
- Safe operation: Many reviews also praise the WEN 56200i for having top-notch safety features such as a low oil/low fuel automatic shutdown as well as overload protection which safeguards the generator as well as your appliances/electronics from damage. The WEN 56200i is also CARB and EPA III compliant.
- Parallel operation: The WEN 56200i also offers parallel operation like other expensive high-end quiet inverter generators in the market. You can buy an identical generator and link your two generators together using a special parallel kit which is sold separately. The parallel operation allows you to double your power output.
- Unmatched fuel efficiency: The WEN 56200i also stands out for its Eco-mode which allows the generator to adjust fuel consumption automatically. The WEN 56200i is not only affordable but fuel efficient as well.
- Lightweight, portable design: There are also many positive customer reviews on the generator’s weight (weighs 48 pounds only) and portable features such as a carrying handle and pull cord that make it extremely easy to move the generator around.
- Great warranty: Many WEN 56200i owners also love the fact that the generator comes with a 2-year warranty. Buying the WEN 56200i is risk-free for two years.
Possible cons
It’s extremely hard finding negative reviews about the WEN 56200i. The few that are there touch on lower runtime. Some people feel 6 hours is a lower runtime compared to what other inverter generators with similar output offer.
The WEN 56200i is undoubtedly the quietest most affordable generator available today. The generator produces just 51 dBA of noise and costs way less than similar inverter generators in the market. Furthermore, the generator doesn’t compromise on fuel efficiency, portability, safety as well as functionality. If you’re looking for unmatched value for money, the WEN 56200i is your best choice. You should, however, brace yourself for a slightly shorter runtime.
VERDICT: Quiet Generators: The Quietest Generators in the Market Today
Many factors need to be considered when you want to end up with the best quiet generator for you in the market. First and foremost, the generator must produce less noise than normal inverter generators. The generator also needs to stand out in regards to other factors such as energy efficiency, safety, portability, runtime, functionality i.e. parallel operation, etc. The above five generators stand out in regards to all these factors and most importantly, customer reviews.
There is however nothing wrong with considering any other quiet generators that is not featured above. You may like bigger generators for instance or other generator brands. The most important thing is ensuring you conduct thorough due diligence to ensure you pick the best quiet generator for you.
Quiet Generators on Amazon:
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Portable Generator Calculator | What Size?
Best Inverter Generator | Important Facts
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